What's new

  1. Method added

    The last couple of years we have continously iterated on the way we do product development. It is a mix of Scrum, Shape Up, own experiences and everything in between.

    It has previously just lived internally and within our teams. This is our first attempt of putting it down in words.

    New additions

    • Added new Method page
  2. Components added

    The first part of our Design system is now live as our first ten components are published.

    New additions

    • Added Components page
    • Added new components: Badge, Banner, Button, Card, Counter, Data table, Dialog, Inputs, Modal and Tabs
  3. Idealis is live

    Today marks the official foundation of Idealis.

    Idealis is both SportAdmin's methodology for product development and its Design system. It has prior to today's date just lived in FIGMA-files, different internal documents, some pinned Slack-conversations and within our team's head.

    Idealis is a result of many years of trial and errors, and it will continue to be a work in progress as we every day gain new perspectives and experiences as both individuals and as a group. We have of course been inspired of other frameworks, articles, talks and through our own experiences, but we have always tried to adapt it to fit our environment.

    By publishing Idealis we hope:

    • develop an even more coherent and better experience for our users across all our platforms.
    • to visualize our work and thereby easier challenge ourselves and act upon new learnings.
    • that maybe someone will find something useful and build upon in it in its own organization, just like we have done. Collective learning is only possible when people decide to share what they learn, and that is something we want to contribute to.

    New additions

    • Added new Landing page
    • Added new Changelog page to be able to track changes